New Kinds of Words I
Vintage book titled 'Girls of the Forest', vintage recycled raccoon fur, bookbinding glue
With upcycled fur seeming to grow from lines of obscured text, New Kinds of Words I suggests that new modes of understanding, or new forms of language, may be necessary in a post-anthropocentric world—A world where we reject human exceptionalism and begin to understand our deep dependence on and interconnectedness with the others with which we share this Earth.
"Jenny Kendler presents a book with fur instead of text, and a nautilus shell growing hair — these forms seems to straddle animal and human worlds; their hybridity resists easy categorization. [...] The book offers an impenetrable line of reason, for its pages contain an unrecognizable, though nevertheless tactile language." - Caroline Picard, Curator of Projections Animalières