I am always appreciative of offers to exhibit work or give a talk, but I also endeavor to keep flying to a minimum. Many years ago, I found I could no longer reconcile the carbon emissions created for the convenience and pleasure of frequent air flight with my work. I am happy to discuss other methods of participation, from virtual speaking engagements and programming, to taking the train or driving my electric car—while aligning the opportunity with others in the area.

Since 2021 I have been a founding member of Artists Commit, which aims to cultivate climate-consciousness in the artworld, chiefly through our Climate Impact Reports.

These principles extend to the artworks themselves, which make every effort be be ethically and sustainably-produced, shipped and installed—in terms of climate and social impacts—and are often ephemeral in nature, reusable, recyclable, literally biodegradable—or support ecological restoration in other ways.

I am deeply appreciative of whose who both invite me to engage with their spaces and organizations, and are also themselves supporters of the ethos behind my practice or willing to learn. Only in community can we create the change needed in the artworld and beyond.